//Wap to accept a number and check it is Harshad number or not.
//A number is said to be Harshad, if the number is divisible by sum of its digits.
import java.util.*;
class harshad
{//class harshad opens
public static void main(String[]args)
{//main method opens
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter a no");
int n=sc.nextInt();//variable n to accept the no 156
int k=n,r=0,s=0;//variable k to store the no,variable r to extrct the digits,variable s to store the sum
while(n>0)//156>0 true//15>0 true//1>0 true
r=n%10;//156%10=6//15%10=5//1%10=1//0>0 false
if((k%s)==0)//156%12==0 true
System.out.println(k+" is harshad no");
System.out.println(k+" is not a harshad no");
}//main method closes
}//class closes